Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I miss Team Brasil. <3

It's hard not to feel as though I let them down; Hard to not feel like a failure.
They were more than a team to me;
they were my family.
people who I went to when I needed help.
there to pray with me when I needed someone.
always supportive through everything.
people who could make me pee my pants laughing
people who could take a joke.
they put others before themselves
very strong christians.
people I could confide in.
I could ask questions without feeing dumb.
do the most ridiculous things.
say what was on my mind.
they were the ones that I trusted with everything
They became a part of me, became the people I depended on. They're MUCH more than a team to me; my very close brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My God Dominates.
I was shocked by what my friend had asked me the other day. She had asked me.. "Nikita you've been through SO much this past year. Why didn't you turn your back on the God you serve? And how could a God so good allow something like that to happen to you?" It caught me SO off guard. I don't know why.. It was something that I've been thinking a lot about lately. The only answer that I was able to reply to her was, "Well.. I trust my God with my everything and He knows what's best for me. I don't exactly understand it, but I know without a doubt that He's in control of my life."
My friend isn't a Christian, and she still didn't understand. She said that it didn't make sense me continuing to follow my God even though He's put me through SO much. And she told me that it just seemed as though He'd abandoned me. Why hadn't I just chosen to follow something else, something more fulfilling. By that point my only reply was; I love God, and He loves me and He's with me always, and He'd NEVER leave or fore sake me.
This was a couple days ago. And I've just been thinking a lot about it. My response was SO weak. I should have been able to just drop down a sermon, or just be able to explain to her a little more about what was going through my head. My friend and I have these types of talks often, and she's really actually help me grow in my faith. I was both amazed and in awe of her observations. She had noticed the way that I had taken in the situation. She had noticed that I was going through something very hard. She'd noticed more than some of my Christian friends. She had noticed that I had chosen God.
That verse in John says it all. There wasn't anyone else who could have helped me through everything this year. There wasn't anyone who could have comforted me the way God did. There wasn't ANYONE that could of orchestrated such an intricate incredible plan that worked together for the furtherance of the gospel (Philippians 1:12).
Choosing God wasn't the hard part. Running to Him in times of trouble wasn't the hard part. Receiving His comfort and love wasn't the hard part. The hard part was seeing Him within the difficulty. But once I saw Him... It was incredible. Seeing God within the difficulty blew me away. I saw Him at work; I saw His helping hand within the entire situation, and mostly I saw just how much He loved me. He hadn't just left me there to fend for myself. He had come along side me and bore the biggest burdens onto His shoulders. He was right there fighting the battle, as a strong and noble warrior. The creator of the entire universe was there fighting along side me!! God didn't abandon me during my struggles, He was right there in full out battle on my behalf.
It's something I can't describe in full, but it's something I hold onto. Something that reminds me of how great that God is that I serve. He's willing to suffer with me, in fact He has suffered for me. And it continually astounds me every single day!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Loving Father.
It has been something that I’ve always thought about throughout my Christian walk. I forgot about it; and thought to myself.. Well I understand and know that God is all of those things, and He hasn’t shaken up my world. I guess she was wrong. I know how to depend on God with EVERYTHING in my life. I understand His love and compassion. God had comforted me when I had failed that test. Obviously He’s all-powerful; that’s what I’ve been taught. I know that He would love me no matter what I did... But my life was going pretty well, so why should I think any differently about these things. My God that I served was all good.
Then about a year ago, my world started to get shaken up. Everything as I had known it went out the window. That absolutely perfect God that I had been serving had just turned on me. And my life was no longer as I had planned it, and it was no longer perfect in my eyes. And that’s when the questions came, that’s when all I wanted was answers. “All I want is a reasonable answer—then I will keep quite. Tell me, what have I done wrong?” Job 6:24. So then I figured in order to answer my questions I would need to search for them. I studied by bible like crazy, I asked teachers questions, and I’d pay attention in church.
It was then that I realized what that ladie had told me all those years ago was true. God shook up my world. I NEEDED Him to survive, I LONGED for Him with my everything and I CRIED out to Him constantly. “I earnestly search for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.” Psalm 63:1. In return God showered me with his GRACE like never before, He was COMPASSIONATE beyond all compare, He SPOKE to me more clearly than I thought possible, and He LOVED me throughout it all. I was forced to trust Him, it was my only option. In order to take the high road, I needed to TRUST Him with my everything- every last bit of it and He in return would take my burden upon Himself. “I heard an unknown voice that said, ‘Now I will relieve your shoulder of its burden; I will free your hands from their heavy tasks. You cried to me in trouble, and I saved you; I answered out of the thundercloud.” Psalm 81:6-7a.
I realized that the way that my life was going before I didn’t need to trust God. I thought that I had control of my life. I thought that I didn’t need God’s grace, His comfort and I didn’t need to think anything about God’s sovereignty. I was able to trust on my own strength to get through all my little problems. I realized that I wasn’t holding onto God with every last ounce of my being. But when I did something changed, He was now My loving Father that I ran to in times of trouble to seek refuge, He wasn’t just my Daddy that gave me things when I asked. "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him." Nahum 1:7
What she told me was now a reality. My world was turned upside down. Life as I knew it was no longer, and it’s never going to be the same again. I now understand all those things, not only in my head but it’s all poured into my heart. I truly feel that not going to Brasil was part of that journey. It’s allowed me to grow in how much I trust God. I’ve entrusted God with my life... not just some of it, but the entire thing. And if it wasn’t His timing that I go to Brasil, then I trust Him.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Plan.
Ephesians 1:9-12
God promised long ago that He's going to bring everything together. EVERYTHING. That means me not going to Brasil, my best friend passing away, family not being Christians, and everything else that seems HOW THE HECK is that from God? But everything is going to come together. I think that I've already started to catch a very, very small glimpse of it all. I know that I wouldn't be the person that I am today without every little thing that has happened in my life.
I realize that I wouldn't be able to trust God the way I do now.
I wouldn't have had to depend on Him like I do now.
I wouldn't be as strong as I am now.
I wouldn't have the faith that God changes.
I wouldn't understand that bad things work for the glory of God.
God's plan is better than anything I could EVER imagine. It was planned out a long time ago. And every little thing that has happened was planned. It didn't just happen by accident, and this was what God planned in His orginal plan. He didn't decided that I could no longer handle things and change His mind. God's purpose in my life was that I should praise Him. So that's what I'm going to do.
He loves me more than I can imagine. So I know, and trust with all my heart that something good is going to come out of this. It has to; because I serve a God that is only good.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
God's plan.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
to the yoke of his discipline:
Let them sit alone in silence
for there may be hope at last.
and accept the insults of their enemies.
For no one is abandoned
Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion
because of the greatness of his unfailing love.
For he does not enjoy hurting people
Saturday, November 29, 2008
God knows.... I don't.
I know Your plan is FAR better than anything I could EVER imagine.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Jesus reings in this place
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
2 Corinthians 3:7
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Galations 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Ephesians 3:12
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
It was more that just baptism. It was God confirming what He's been drilling into my head and heart over and over again these past few months. Just that He's proud of me...
He brought several people today to continually remind me how proud they were of me. And it was EXACTLY what I needed. And it was just incredible to see how many people were there to support me. And just how many people truly cared about me. It was amazing to see how many people were in this together with me on my journey. And just stories of people that have been praying for me for years.. that I had no idea were.
This week I've never felt more alone in my entire life. And yesterday was just an incredible reminder how I am not in this alone, and how I have a HUGE support system. And even though I don't nesessarily realize how much support I have. It's there. It's there abundantly. And I praise God for that. It's always been something that I've struggled with. Not having support that I needed at home and stuff about Spiritual matters with my family being non-believers. But yesterday I realized how loved I really am, and how much people truly care about me.
God continues to amaze me, and He continues to show me how much He loves me, and how proud He is of me. God is good, and I know as I have taken this next step to following Him things are going to get better. I am just ready to pursue the next step now. I'm just ready for more of God!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back? For EVERYTHING comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.
Today I was reading Romans 11 & 12. And spent a lot of time reflecting on what's been going on this year. I think of all the loss, all the gain, all the good times, all those heartaches, all those times where I wondered where God was, all those times when God was SO close, all those tears I cried, all those laughs. I remembered how there was great loss this year. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about Chelsea or Kyle and the others <3.>
What hit me hard in Romans was the last verse. "For EVERYTHING comes from Him and exisits by his power." It's hard to believe that; especially this year. All of the heartache, the loss, the tears, the pain, the troubles I've dealt with and those times of complete sadness. How can a God that loves me completely still allow that to happen? How could those who were the closest to be not be here anymore? How could God in all this power allow that to come?
And then the second part of that verse "...and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen." I don't see how in any way that everything going on this year would be intended for his glory. I love this verse. And I love the meaning behind it. But applying it to my life it doesn't seem as though anything that happend. The lost of two of my best friends, seven friends, and add to that everything else that's been going on. How is that intended for His glory? Doesn't make sense to me. Sorry I am a downer today. I've overly tired.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Downtown Eastside.
This is where we're sleeping. We still need to clean it out a bit more. And we have to move our stuff out every single morning so we don't die of Dust mites. It makes Team Germ's old living conditions look like a resort.
"After testifying and preaching the word of the Lord in Samaria, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem. And they stopped in many Samaritan villages along the way to preach the Good News." Acts 8:25
As a team yesterday we were reading through Acts 8. And those who think that God doesn't speak as clearly as did in biblical times. I'd like to say that's not true. Our team has continued to read through the books of Acts. And every single time it just seems to be written directly to us. It's crazy. That verse above. I just thought was absolutly perfect. It's our team in a nutshell. Peter and John wanted to go back to Jerusalem. Same as our team wants to get to Brasil. But on their journey they stopped in various places preaching and telling people about the Good News. I tottaly related that to our team. We started out in Abbotsford, and now in East Van. We have just stopped in a few places to spread Christ's love. It's all part of our team's journey to our final destination: Brasil.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Not so Unknown.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm a Missionary.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I love it.

It's really awesome here. Like serisouly theres almost something magical about this place.
Sunsets never looked so gorgeous,
fall never was this beautiful,
God never spoke this clearly,
jumping in leaf piles was never this entertaining,
learning was never this fun,
Grace never flew over this forcefully,
God never seemed this good,
creation was never this spectacular,
worship was never this intimate,
colours were never this vibrant,
God never spoke this clearly,
friends here are like family,
Love never flowed this abundantly,
God never seemed this close before.
He's never captured my heart like this before.
. I love it. I love it with all my heart .
Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.
Isaiah 33:17
Monday, October 27, 2008
I love my God.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008
Uh-Oh!! :'(
Mark 14:35

Well... Where do I even start?!
Today our VISA's got completely rejected AGAIN.. But this time it's legit. It's pretty much forsure that we have to wait until at least December 1st. Unless a miracle happens... team Brasil is stuck here in A-Town. It really,really blows. Like actually sucks. That pretty much just sums it up right there for yah.
I understand that this is in God's plan. And God's plan is absolutly perfect. It's really hard to fathom though, that God's perfect plan involves something SO painful and hurtful for our team. It doesn't make sense. And it's something that God has been teaching me throught TREK training. That God is my loving Father, and because He loves me. He wants only the best for me. And His plan is absolutly perfect for me.. And it's just been extremely hard just hearing that yet again that my plans aren't what God's plans are.
And It was also really difficult because I was finally at complete peace about going to Brasil. And I honestly felt completely ready to go to Brasil on Friday.
We'll will have to wait and see what God has planned for us here in North America. . . I am still at a point of shock. And it hasn't settled in that I am not going quite yet.
God is good, that's all that really matters.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We found out today that our visas got denied- because they seemed quite suspisous about six young adults just "visiting" for seven months. And apperently it takes fifteen days for us to reapply or for our visas to be finished processing. And we only have nine days until we leave! That includes the weekend. So right now things aren't looking to well. But God has a plan, and His plan is absolutly perfect!! So He'll allow it to work out, or else He'll have us stay here a little longer and wait it out. It's going to work out. I have no doubt in my mind.
It's just been crazy though... Team Brasil is officially up to all six members again!! It was down to four there for awhile.. But we're all ready to go now! It's going to be incredible!!! It's been amazing to just see how God has been working in peoples lives just on my team here. He's completey transformed team Brasil. It's just so amazing to be apart of this amazing journey that God has planned for these amazing people, and even for myself. I can tell that our team is going to accomplish GREAT things together. And we we're told that we have to potential to be the TREK team that learns the most out of all the TREK teams EVER! So that was just incredibly encouraging, and just amazing to hear. It was really motivating as well. To try and actually live up to that now.
Friday, October 17, 2008
God is good.
Your will be done LORD Jesus. Not mine.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
He's proud of me.
Yesterday I was able to go home for some Thanksgiving supper. It was amazing. In our family, we have this tradition that we go around the room and everyone says what they're thankful for. People went around the room, and said what they were thankful for. And numerious people in my family said that they were SOOO proud of me for what I was doing this up coming year, and how I was willing to give up a year. And it was obvious that this really meant something special to me. I don't know what it was, but it really, really hit down deep. And it made me excited. I am excited what God is doing in my family. How I can already tell that He's changing their hearts. They're starting to understand what I am doing. And I am going to be continuing to pray for my family. God wants them, I know it.
I want this year to be a starting point for my family to notice that there's something different about me. And that diffrence is Jesus. And that they'll notice that difference and want to know more, and be more open to learning more. Because they see the positive transformation in my life, and they'll want that as well.
My family this weekend said that they were proud of me. My friends are proud of me. Jesus Himself is proud of me.
How much better could life get?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Is it possible to get by on only one or two?
The time is now to take a stand against evil. The time is now for Jesus to save. Jesus Christ has authority over this world, but Satan has power. If we submit to God who has complete authority, we then have some authority because we reconize Jesus. We can then use that authority to overcome Satan and the grips that he has on us, because of the power that he holds in this world. Jesus' name is a strong tower. Demons & spirits are more scared of us with Jesus than we are of them.
With the power of Christ within us, we're able to overcome all and any evil that crosses our pathes. The joy of the LORD is what keeps us going. Without that we're hopeless. God is good, He cares about us so much.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
TREK Training...
Whistler Get Away- We stayed in this incredible chalet, it was amazing!! God's creation is good.
Grande Tour of Abbotsford- one of the most interesting cities i've ever been to ;)
48 Hour silence retreat-Which was actually incredible. I heard God in ways that I never thought were imaginable.
Amazing TREK- consisted over 14 hours of intense physical & mental exertion of melting a t-shirt with only your body heat, sticking our heads completely under pudding, eating nasty foods, playing bigger and better, getting three dollars worth of pennies from the fountain and much MUCH more!!
Widgeon Creek- canoeing and hiking trip! An amazing time in God's glorious creation. Witnessing peace and calm.
People- The people here are just absolutly incredible!!!! I love them SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much, that might even be an understatement!! Like seriously. I feel like i've known them for ages. It's pretty sweet!
So yah, those are like the main fun events. It's all been incredible. The thing that's effected me the most is everything that i've learned so far! It's just sweet. Week one was Orientation. Week two was Hearing God's Voice. Week three was Personal Holiness. Week four was Team Building/The Church. Week Five has been Spiritual Authority. But I have learned more this month than I have learned in like my entire life. I feel like i've grown and become a stronger, more mature Christian.
I am heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil. I city of over twenty-one million people. The nightengales who we are going to be helping down there now own a property of tropical rainforest. It's going to be incredible they're starting a new camping ministry. That we get the honor and privledge of helping them start up. It's going to be an incredible experience that I am so stoked for!