God it sooo good. That's all that really needs to be said. But let me expain a little...
This morning we did a bible study on Psalm 103. It was amazing! The entire chapter is about praising God. Because He loves us, He is slow to anger and when He does anger He isn't angered forever. How He loves us in our weakness and even though we are sinners. He remembers that we were made from mere dust but still loves us from everlasting to everlasting and casts our sins as far the east is from the west. It just really, really impacted me how MUCH God actually loves us. Even though we are absolutly nothing. It's incredible.
But what I really got from this passage this morning was. Even though He loves us throughout this all. What about us? I was just thinking about our VISA situation.. My first reaction was to say WHAT THE HECK GOD?! I was ready, I was completely prepared to go out to Brasil FINALY. And look what you allowed to happen. It shouldn't be like that. Look at how much God loves us even though we sin. It is the same thing for us. We should love God now matter what God is allowing to happen to us. God loves us despite the fact that we sin reapeatedly, and He looks past all our weaknesses. Therefore we need to praise Him, no matter the situation. God doesn't acuse us constantly or stay angry at us. Since we want to become Christ-like we need to become like Jesus and do the same. You can almost put the golden rule into play here. Treat God the way that you want to be treated.
He always loves us no matter what we do, so we should always love Him no matter what He does in our lives.
In a way it isn't fair.. No matter what we feel towards God. No matter how much anger, hatred, confusion, or resentment He will always love us. His love is unconditional. It was always the same. It doesn't change day by day; it's steadfast. God is SOOOOOO goood. It just blows my mind every single day. 
1 comment:
Oh, Nikita, what a challenging time you are experiencing! Really, Its going to be good. Trust. You are learning all about trusting God when your plans don't quite turn out the way you signed up for. You're being a good daughter, having such a good attitude! I am sure He is smiling down all over you and your group!
Love the blog! and so glad you sent out the notice to me!
Take care!
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