Saturday, November 8, 2008

Not so Unknown.

****Our VISAs got sent in on Monday, and the Brasilian consulate called MBMSI the other day. And we still don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. A man that was a missionary in Brasil for twenty years was going to call them back. And woo them using some Portueguese. So we're still not too sure on what happend or how it went. So we would really, really appriciate your prayers! We all just want to get to Brasil...Lord willing. =)

Well team unknown is becoming a litte more known. We're heading out to East Van. And we will be working with a Church out there. The Youth Pastor that we'll be working with was actually a missionary in Brasil for five years, and he's married to this woman who is Brasilian. So that will be incredible to work alongside them both.

We will be living in an attic of a church there. All six of us crammed into one tiny place.. That should be interesting. I'll definatly keep everyone updated.

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