The place where my ancestors reside.

I am learning the language right now, I understand the culture, traditions and beliefs. Not only do I understand the people I AM one of the people.
Missions, India, Me... It makes perfect sense doesn't it?! I realize that anyone looking from the outside considers it a perfect situation. And I've heard it many times before.

I hear about the AMAZING things about what is happening in North India and how God is moving throughout the people there and the need they have for people to come alongside them and partner with them united under His name. My heart MOVES, my heart LEAPS out of my chest. It stirs within me, something so intense that I can barely contain my shout of SEND ME LORD... I know that it does every time I hear about missions. But at the same time I have this connection with India and as I saw the faces flash on the screen last night I saw the faces of my family, I saw myself.....

I have HUGE dreams that I keep deep down inside my heart, dreams that I know are crazy but I KNOW are possible for God. I want to have an orphanage. I want to have hundreds of kids inside of it with so much love that it is OVERWHELMING and you can tangibly feel it when you walk in. I desire for all children to understand that they are children of God and LIVE it out. I want my orphanage to reach out to the community and help families. I want it to be a place of refuge where the lost find hope, the broken become whole, the helpless feel needed, the lonely feel loved, the poor find their treasure in Heaven, the abandoned feel welcomed, unloved feel adored, the needy feel abundance, and BEST of all everyone finds JESUS.

I now realize that I TRULY don't care where I am serving God. The children have the same smiles and they have the same needs. So what if Thailand is beautiful? Africa sounds cooler? Or Central America has better beaches? Where He leads I will follow. I get into the car and then ask where the destination is. I am not going to wait to see what the destination and then decide to get in.

For the first time ever, I saw what other people saw so clearly. My calling may be to India, but that doesn’t matter, what matters is my ministry, what matters is the glory of His name, what matters most is that Jesus is going to do POWERFUL things. And I have the INDESCRIBABLE PRIVELEDGE of being a part of that.

Expect GREAT things from God, Attempt GREAT things for God.

Beautifully written
I can't wait to see your dream of serving Him in this way-no matter where-realized. Love you!
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