Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I love it.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

It's really awesome here. Like serisouly theres almost something magical about this place.

Sunsets never looked so gorgeous,
fall never was this beautiful,
God never spoke this clearly,
jumping in leaf piles was never this entertaining,
learning was never this fun,
Grace never flew over this forcefully,
God never seemed this good,
creation was never this spectacular,
worship was never this intimate,
colours were never this vibrant,
God never spoke this clearly,
friends here are like family,
Love never flowed this abundantly,
God never seemed this close before.
He's never captured my heart like this before.

. I love it. I love it with all my heart .

Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar.
Isaiah 33:17

Monday, October 27, 2008

I love my God.

He always loves us no matter what we do, so we should always love Him no matter what He does in our lives.

God it sooo good. That's all that really needs to be said. But let me expain a little...
This morning we did a bible study on Psalm 103. It was amazing! The entire chapter is about praising God. Because He loves us, He is slow to anger and when He does anger He isn't angered forever. How He loves us in our weakness and even though we are sinners. He remembers that we were made from mere dust but still loves us from everlasting to everlasting and casts our sins as far the east is from the west. It just really, really impacted me how MUCH God actually loves us. Even though we are absolutly nothing. It's incredible.

But what I really got from this passage this morning was. Even though He loves us throughout this all. What about us? I was just thinking about our VISA situation.. My first reaction was to say WHAT THE HECK GOD?! I was ready, I was completely prepared to go out to Brasil FINALY. And look what you allowed to happen. It shouldn't be like that. Look at how much God loves us even though we sin. It is the same thing for us. We should love God now matter what God is allowing to happen to us. God loves us despite the fact that we sin reapeatedly, and He looks past all our weaknesses. Therefore we need to praise Him, no matter the situation. God doesn't acuse us constantly or stay angry at us. Since we want to become Christ-like we need to become like Jesus and do the same. You can almost put the golden rule into play here. Treat God the way that you want to be treated.
He always loves us no matter what we do, so we should always love Him no matter what He does in our lives.

In a way it isn't fair.. No matter what we feel towards God. No matter how much anger, hatred, confusion, or resentment He will always love us. His love is unconditional. It was always the same. It doesn't change day by day; it's steadfast. God is SOOOOOO goood. It just blows my mind every single day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well.. It's settled in a little more over the night.. I am still in complete shock. The Brasilian consulate told us that we needed to apply for Volunteer VISAs because of the nature of our trip. And Voluteer VISAs take at least three months to process. We don't really have three months to wait around here. So that creates a problem. So we are going to reapply for tourists VISAs but those take at minumum fifteen business days to process. Which is about three weeks. Our flights are booked for October thirty-first.. this creates major problems.. Another BIG problem is that tourists VISAs only last six months. So it seems like the earliest that we can get to Brasil would be December first.

My conclusion..VISAS SUCK!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Uh-Oh!! :'(

Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

Mark 14:35

Well... Where do I even start?!

Today our VISA's got completely rejected AGAIN.. But this time it's legit. It's pretty much forsure that we have to wait until at least December 1st. Unless a miracle happens... team Brasil is stuck here in A-Town. It really,really blows. Like actually sucks. That pretty much just sums it up right there for yah.

I understand that this is in God's plan. And God's plan is absolutly perfect. It's really hard to fathom though, that God's perfect plan involves something SO painful and hurtful for our team. It doesn't make sense. And it's something that God has been teaching me throught TREK training. That God is my loving Father, and because He loves me. He wants only the best for me. And His plan is absolutly perfect for me.. And it's just been extremely hard just hearing that yet again that my plans aren't what God's plans are.

And It was also really difficult because I was finally at complete peace about going to Brasil. And I honestly felt completely ready to go to Brasil on Friday.

We'll will have to wait and see what God has planned for us here in North America. . . I am still at a point of shock. And it hasn't settled in that I am not going quite yet.

God is good, that's all that really matters.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well today was VERY interesting.

We found out today that our visas got denied- because they seemed quite suspisous about six young adults just "visiting" for seven months. And apperently it takes fifteen days for us to reapply or for our visas to be finished processing. And we only have nine days until we leave! That includes the weekend. So right now things aren't looking to well. But God has a plan, and His plan is absolutly perfect!! So He'll allow it to work out, or else He'll have us stay here a little longer and wait it out. It's going to work out. I have no doubt in my mind.

It's just been crazy though... Team Brasil is officially up to all six members again!! It was down to four there for awhile.. But we're all ready to go now! It's going to be incredible!!! It's been amazing to just see how God has been working in peoples lives just on my team here. He's completey transformed team Brasil. It's just so amazing to be apart of this amazing journey that God has planned for these amazing people, and even for myself. I can tell that our team is going to accomplish GREAT things together. And we we're told that we have to potential to be the TREK team that learns the most out of all the TREK teams EVER! So that was just incredibly encouraging, and just amazing to hear. It was really motivating as well. To try and actually live up to that now.

Friday, October 17, 2008

God is good.

Jesus Christ's perfectness is completly astounding. He never ceases to amaze me. He comes at the absolute right moments. He comforts us in a way that theres no doubt that He's truly here with us. And He is good and just. I am honored to be serving such an awesome, mighty and compassionate God. His mercy and grace have been showered and poured on me countless amounts of time. Worthy not even to be a slave in His kingdom. God has made me His own daughter. And all my imperfections are made perfect in Christ Jesus. Nothing can even start to compare to Jesus. He's already won the war, therefore all other battles will eventually lead to victory. Some may be lost, some may be won. But in the the end Jesus Christ is the victor over EVERYTHING. I am proud to be Jesus' daughter. And as His loving daughter I claim that my holy Father loves me, and has an absolute perfect plan for me.

Your will be done LORD Jesus. Not mine.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

He's proud of me.

This entire week God has been telling me... screaming at me actually ... that He's proud of me. It was something for some reason, that I just wasn't ready to accept, and beleive. But throughout this entire week, it just kept coming up again, and again. And He was so believeable, but for some reason it didn't seem like I could really truly believe Him.
Yesterday I was able to go home for some Thanksgiving supper. It was amazing. In our family, we have this tradition that we go around the room and everyone says what they're thankful for. People went around the room, and said what they were thankful for. And numerious people in my family said that they were SOOO proud of me for what I was doing this up coming year, and how I was willing to give up a year. And it was obvious that this really meant something special to me. I don't know what it was, but it really, really hit down deep. And it made me excited. I am excited what God is doing in my family. How I can already tell that He's changing their hearts. They're starting to understand what I am doing. And I am going to be continuing to pray for my family. God wants them, I know it.
I want this year to be a starting point for my family to notice that there's something different about me. And that diffrence is Jesus. And that they'll notice that difference and want to know more, and be more open to learning more. Because they see the positive transformation in my life, and they'll want that as well.
My family this weekend said that they were proud of me. My friends are proud of me. Jesus Himself is proud of me.
How much better could life get?

4:11 Am.

Can't sleep, can't function. . .

What's there to do at 4:11 am? I am bored.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


It's recommended to get at least five to eight hours of sleep at night.
Is it possible to get by on only one or two?


Jesus Christ is ultimate authority. He has victory over the darkness and over Satan and all his demons.


The time is now to take a stand against evil. The time is now for Jesus to save. Jesus Christ has authority over this world, but Satan has power. If we submit to God who has complete authority, we then have some authority because we reconize Jesus. We can then use that authority to overcome Satan and the grips that he has on us, because of the power that he holds in this world. Jesus' name is a strong tower. Demons & spirits are more scared of us with Jesus than we are of them.


With the power of Christ within us, we're able to overcome all and any evil that crosses our pathes. The joy of the LORD is what keeps us going. Without that we're hopeless. God is good, He cares about us so much.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

TREK Training...

Where do I even start? Oh my word. I have learned SO much. I love it here. It's been incredible. I love all the people here they're all amazing. There are nineteen of us here living at the Mark Centre. Everyone here is from Canada except one girl from South Dakota. SO we've been here for just over a month now. Here's a quick recap on what we've done and what's gone on so far.

Whistler Get Away- We stayed in this incredible chalet, it was amazing!! God's creation is good.

Grande Tour of Abbotsford- one of the most interesting cities i've ever been to ;)

48 Hour silence retreat-Which was actually incredible. I heard God in ways that I never thought were imaginable.

Amazing TREK- consisted over 14 hours of intense physical & mental exertion of melting a t-shirt with only your body heat, sticking our heads completely under pudding, eating nasty foods, playing bigger and better, getting three dollars worth of pennies from the fountain and much MUCH more!!

Widgeon Creek- canoeing and hiking trip! An amazing time in God's glorious creation. Witnessing peace and calm.

People- The people here are just absolutly incredible!!!! I love them SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much, that might even be an understatement!! Like seriously. I feel like i've known them for ages. It's pretty sweet!

So yah, those are like the main fun events. It's all been incredible. The thing that's effected me the most is everything that i've learned so far! It's just sweet. Week one was Orientation. Week two was Hearing God's Voice. Week three was Personal Holiness. Week four was Team Building/The Church. Week Five has been Spiritual Authority. But I have learned more this month than I have learned in like my entire life. I feel like i've grown and become a stronger, more mature Christian.

I am heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil. I city of over twenty-one million people. The nightengales who we are going to be helping down there now own a property of tropical rainforest. It's going to be incredible they're starting a new camping ministry. That we get the honor and privledge of helping them start up. It's going to be an incredible experience that I am so stoked for!