Monday, March 1, 2010

Time is LOVE

I was just visiting my grandmother up at the North of India! And it was FANTASTIC!!!!

But what did I experience? What did I do? Most importantly what have I learned? ... SO MUCH! I think that once you get into the mindset of EVERY SINGLE person that you meet, there's SOMETHING you can learn from them... it changes you, it changes how you see people, it invites relationship into your life.

I've been raised in a society that's taught me "time is money." Coming into a place of religion and rituals that people from birth are taught. Where tradition is fufilled by all and has it's place throughout daily life. Coming into a society of laid back people. It's a change.

Here I've come to a new conclusion "time is love." Time means that you care, time represents respect, time shows someone that they mean something to you.. What more could anyone ask for?

Here in Punjab this has become quite clear, EVERYSINGLE house we visited; whether they were among the wealthiest of India, to the poorest one room houses, they would ALL insist on tea, sweets and roti.

I know that when I am at home, if I'm just going to someone's house to visit, I make sure I've eaten before heading out: not wanting to be a burden to anyone. Here it's the opposite since you just KNOW that you'll have tea and sweets, and there will be multiple offers of more food. It teaches you something about hospitality. It's a good representation of what we should become.

When you are with the people here; they're ENTIRE focus is with you. They're not worried about later plans, stay as long as you want. If they don't have want you want they'll send out for it. Their attention their time, is yours. They might not have very much, but that hour they spent with you for the day means more than anything they could have given you.

I've learned that here children spell love T I M E. When people hear about a orphanage in India with street kids, most people respond the same as many of you did. What can I send? What do they need? What can I buy for them? Spending two months here; I've realized that, though I may have nothing to give them, it's the time that I spend with them. It's that I am here when they have a nightmare in the middle of the night, I am here when they fall down and hurt themselves and I am here when they don't understand their math homework. Though I don't have anything, I have love, I have compassion, I have a heart for these children.

What do you do when a child is crying? You realize that someone has to care....

There was a lady by the name of Agnes who died over ten years ago. She had a heart beyond hearts for the poor of the world. She was a humble single woman that changed the face of the planet. She came from a middle class family. To the world's standard she meant nothing. Many today know her now as Mother Teresa. It wasn't just what she did while here on earth, it was was she put into motion. It's the inspiration that it's possible to reach the poor, it's possible to change the lives of many, and when work together it's possible to reach the world for Christ!

Here I am; the same humble beginnings as Mother Teresa. To the world I mean nothing. But for these next six weeks to these children I mean the world. I may not end up being the next Mother Teresa, and I am okay with that. If I effect a single child's life here in India; that's generations saved, it's a renewed opportunity that, that child has at life. They say "Those CRAZY enough to THINK they can change the world, usually do."

I'm ready for what God has in store for me. I'm excited to see what's around the corner. This God we follow keeps me on the edge of my seat; and I'm thankful for that! :)

Much love from India!!!