God isn't confined by brick walls. He isn't defined by mud huts. He resides within the tent shacks. He flows throughout the bamboo homes. He drapes Himself over the garbage mounds. His scent is evident even through the exhaust and smog. He is alive alongside the millions and millions of different people that call Chennai home.
God is bigger than we can comprehend. He knows my dreams. He understands my desires. He created my passions, and lit the flame to my heart that blazes for Him. My plans are big, and with revelation from God rightfully should be. My hopes are go beyond even what I can imagine. My vision is nothing less than moving mountains in His name.
All these things are gifts from God. Though my dreams may seem bigger than me, and even though my vision may seem impossible GOD IS MIGHTY! God is HUGE! He created the universe with one breath. And with one Man He conquered death. He's big enough to accomplish my dreams. I am just thankful He has chosen me to go along for the journey.
It was hard being here without a team. But I have started to realize what pray without ceasing truly means. I've been talking to Jesus CONSTANTLY since being here. Since He is the ONLY one that understands me fully, He is the one that KNOWS where I come from. He's the one that knows my culture. Heck He made me! SO that's been really comforting to realize. Since I don't know anyone here I've been forced (in a good way) to get to know everyone here a lot better, and it's good to be COMPLETLY immersed in the culture. I really do get to live as the Indians do here. I'm thankful for that.
But it's becoming habit to talk to Him so regularly, and constantly I'm really THANKFUL for that!!!!! Its crazy how much He has to say to us; as long as we take the time to ask, talk and LISTEN!! What a good God we serve!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
What a GREAT God.
I think about the countless times I've begged God saying "I will go," or "here am I Lord, send me!" and how here I sit, in Chennai, blessed to be given this chance to serve God overseas. I think of how wonderful our God is, how He remains faithful to us. He knew the desires of my heart, and in His sovereign knowledge and timing He's given me this time. This time to give back a VERY tiny bit that I can, since He has given me nothing less than eternity.
"Give me your eyes for just one second, give me your eyes so I can see, everything that I keep missing. Give me your love your humanity. Give me your arms for the broken hearted the ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me your eyes so I can see." Brandon Heath.
This is where I have started; asking Him for His eyes and His heart. Humbly asking if He will grant me the honor of being His hands and feet. And in reverence asking for His love, and for that love to extend through me.
I know and realize for my time here to be a success all these things will have to become reality. What am I without Christ's love? What will the children gain from me without me becoming an extension of Him? If my heart doesn't ache with theirs what benefit will there be? The answer is nothing. By His grace He has brought me here and through His grace He will grant me the knowledge, strength and wisdom to accomplish these things.
I am at an orphanage with fourty-four children. And they're absolutely beautiful!!! I can't even begin to describe their beauty to you. They're beyond talented, and just exude joy! Their vibrant smiles brighten up my days and laughter fills the building. We play games, have meals together, bible studies, and mostly enjoy life together.
I can't beleive how much I have to learn from these children! Their knowledge in the simplicity of life astounds me! Just how they go about their lives every single day with such greatfulness through they come from such brokeness. The power of Christ is so evident in their lives, a single glance from them leaves me awestruck.
Being here for over two weeks now, it amazes me how much I have already felt God begin to change me. Not the surface level change, but from the depths of me, those untoched places that I before never would have allowed Him into. They're transforming. They're softening. They're moulding into what a perfect God wants them to be. I've been blessed with His abundant love that is constantly showering over me; and how that I've taken a step back to realize this, it's altering the way I think, changing how I talk, changing my interactions with others for the better and above all transforming the way I live my life: with God in the center, God on the sides, and God flowing through EVERY SINGLE aspect of me.
I sit here today with just one prayer: that I won't get in the way of God's transformations. But instead, open my heart to it, welcome Him into my life with open arms, and for what I feel to become so contagious that it'll come to effect the people around me.
I thank-you for your prayers!!!
"Give me your eyes for just one second, give me your eyes so I can see, everything that I keep missing. Give me your love your humanity. Give me your arms for the broken hearted the ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me your eyes so I can see." Brandon Heath.
This is where I have started; asking Him for His eyes and His heart. Humbly asking if He will grant me the honor of being His hands and feet. And in reverence asking for His love, and for that love to extend through me.
I know and realize for my time here to be a success all these things will have to become reality. What am I without Christ's love? What will the children gain from me without me becoming an extension of Him? If my heart doesn't ache with theirs what benefit will there be? The answer is nothing. By His grace He has brought me here and through His grace He will grant me the knowledge, strength and wisdom to accomplish these things.
I am at an orphanage with fourty-four children. And they're absolutely beautiful!!! I can't even begin to describe their beauty to you. They're beyond talented, and just exude joy! Their vibrant smiles brighten up my days and laughter fills the building. We play games, have meals together, bible studies, and mostly enjoy life together.
I can't beleive how much I have to learn from these children! Their knowledge in the simplicity of life astounds me! Just how they go about their lives every single day with such greatfulness through they come from such brokeness. The power of Christ is so evident in their lives, a single glance from them leaves me awestruck.
Being here for over two weeks now, it amazes me how much I have already felt God begin to change me. Not the surface level change, but from the depths of me, those untoched places that I before never would have allowed Him into. They're transforming. They're softening. They're moulding into what a perfect God wants them to be. I've been blessed with His abundant love that is constantly showering over me; and how that I've taken a step back to realize this, it's altering the way I think, changing how I talk, changing my interactions with others for the better and above all transforming the way I live my life: with God in the center, God on the sides, and God flowing through EVERY SINGLE aspect of me.
I sit here today with just one prayer: that I won't get in the way of God's transformations. But instead, open my heart to it, welcome Him into my life with open arms, and for what I feel to become so contagious that it'll come to effect the people around me.
I thank-you for your prayers!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It has Begun!
And the story begins. It begins with a girl listening, desiring and responding to God's call of the Gospel. A girl with no clue what she is doing, but is relying moment to moment on God's faithfulness, unceasing love and compassion. Where God leads I will follow....
And here we go!There is just something so amazing, so touching, and just so enlightening about bilingual prayer. I don't know what it is; but it moves me, it makes me want to pray harder. Something about the body of Christ coming together as one to worship and petition on behalf of an Almighty God takes my breath away. It excites me and readys me for what is to come. That as I have come here from around the world, not bringing God to these people but have come to share in God together as brothers and sisters in Christ. God has reminded me of that early on here in India! And I am humbled and thankful for that. I am here to yes; bring people to Christ, and further The Kingdom, but also to do life with these people; share in their joy, ache with their broken hearts, mourn in their loss, marvel in their triumps, and to be a part of what a magnificent God is doing on the streets of India.
So this is where my journey begins... on my knees listening to Gods voice, praying for His leading while down here in India, seeking His wisdom in my every move, in my heart declaring for Thy will to be done not mine, and soaking in His glorious presence.
I invite you along for this amazing journey He has set out before me. The goal: for God's love to refine me, for it to become what defines me.
And here we go!There is just something so amazing, so touching, and just so enlightening about bilingual prayer. I don't know what it is; but it moves me, it makes me want to pray harder. Something about the body of Christ coming together as one to worship and petition on behalf of an Almighty God takes my breath away. It excites me and readys me for what is to come. That as I have come here from around the world, not bringing God to these people but have come to share in God together as brothers and sisters in Christ. God has reminded me of that early on here in India! And I am humbled and thankful for that. I am here to yes; bring people to Christ, and further The Kingdom, but also to do life with these people; share in their joy, ache with their broken hearts, mourn in their loss, marvel in their triumps, and to be a part of what a magnificent God is doing on the streets of India.
So this is where my journey begins... on my knees listening to Gods voice, praying for His leading while down here in India, seeking His wisdom in my every move, in my heart declaring for Thy will to be done not mine, and soaking in His glorious presence.
I invite you along for this amazing journey He has set out before me. The goal: for God's love to refine me, for it to become what defines me.
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