Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hope. Rest. Love
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I will instruct you and teach you.
Psalm 32:8-11
India is happening; I've just gotten the paperwork sorted out that I've been waiting for a month now.
There's no doubt in my mind that this entire process is God's leading; is God's teaching, is God's almighty plan. He's instructing me day by day; daily leading me closer and closer to India.
Today I sit here astounded by God's almighty power, in awe of the fact that He's worked every single situation out for this moment in my life. I sit here fascinated that though I know nothing of what lies ahead, I know without a doubt that it's God's perfect plan. I sit here mesmerized by His word and the relevance of it in my life. And sit here in complete confidence that God's hand is in my life; creating within me a servant heart willing to go where He leads me.
Though I don't know what this year is going to end up looking like. I know one thing is forsure. I am not going to be like that horse or mule without understanding. Because what I understand is that God is truth, God is holy, God is righteous, God is all knowing and all powerful, God is loving, God is sovereign, God is just, and God is wise. That's enough for me. For me to base my entire existance on Him, for me to follow Him to the end of this world and back.